Exercise on Subject Verb Agreement for Class 6 Icse

Learning proper grammar is an essential part of the English language. One of the most important components of grammar is subject-verb agreement. This concept may seem basic, but it is crucial to master for effective communication. For students in Class 6 of ICSE, it is a critical stage to understand and practice subject-verb agreement.

Subject-verb agreement refers to the proper match between the subject and the verb used in a sentence. In simpler terms, it means that the verb used in a sentence must agree with the subject of the sentence in terms of number and person. This means that the verb changes according to the singular or plural form of the subject.

For instance, if the subject of the sentence is singular, the verb used should also be singular. Similarly, if the subject is plural, then the verb used should also be plural.

Here are some examples to help understand the concept better:

– Correct: The girl sings beautifully.

– Incorrect: The girl sing beautifully.

In the above example, the subject is singular, and hence, we use a singular verb `sings` to agree with it.

– Correct: The girls sing beautifully.

– Incorrect: The girls sings beautifully.

In the example above, the subject is plural, and hence, the verb `sing` is used to match.

To help Class 6 ICSE students understand subject-verb agreement, teachers can use various exercises and activities. These exercises should be designed to reinforce the concept and help students practice it in real-life situations.

Here are some useful exercises for students in Class 6 ICSE:

1. Identifying the subject and verb: Teachers can start with a simple exercise of identifying the subject and verb in a sentence. Students can be given a set of sentences to identify the subject and verb, and then match them.

2. Filling in the blanks: This exercise involves filling in the correct verb form in the blank space provided in a sentence. Students can be given a set of sentences with missing verbs, and they have to choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence.

3. Sentence correction: In this exercise, students are given a sentence with an incorrect verb form, and they have to correct it by changing the verb to the correct form.

It is essential to remember that mastering subject-verb agreement takes time and practice. Class 6 ICSE students need to practice regularly to avoid common errors and build a strong foundation in grammar. Teachers can use a variety of exercises and activities to make the learning process fun and engaging for students.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a critical aspect of grammar that students in Class 6 ICSE must master to communicate effectively in English. Regular practice and exercises can help students solidify their understanding and avoid common mistakes. By focusing on this crucial concept, students can improve their writing and speaking skills and become confident communicators.

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