Preference Shares Shareholders Agreement

Preference Shares Shareholders Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

A preference share is a type of stock that provides its holder with certain rights and benefits in comparison to common shares. It is a popular investment option for investors who want a fixed return on their investment, usually in the form of dividends. A preference share shareholder agreement is a binding agreement between the issuer of the preference shares and the shareholders who have invested in them.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on preference shares shareholders agreement:

Purpose of the Agreement:

The primary purpose of the preference share shareholder agreement is to lay out the terms and conditions that govern the relationship between the issuer and the shareholders. The agreement ensures that all parties are on the same page concerning the terms of the investment.


The preference share shareholder agreement must outline the frequency and amount of dividends that the shareholder will receive. The agreement should also provide a mechanism for the adjustment of dividend payments in the event of a change in the company`s financial situation.

Voting Rights:

Preference shares usually do not have voting rights. However, if the preference shares do have voting rights, the agreement must outline the voting rights and procedures that the shareholder can exercise.


The preference share shareholder agreement must provide details regarding the redemption of preference shares, including the date of redemption, the redemption price, and the method of redemption.


The agreement should set out the conditions that govern the transferability of preference shares. This includes any restrictions on the shareholder`s ability to transfer their shares and the procedure for transferring shares.


If the company goes into liquidation, the preference share shareholder agreement must outline the rights of the preference shareholders in the event of liquidation.

Dispute Resolution:

The agreement should also provide a mechanism for dispute resolution, including the procedures for mediation, arbitration, or other forms of alternative dispute resolution.


A preference share shareholder agreement lays out all of the terms and conditions that govern the relationship between the issuer and the shareholder. It is a crucial document that protects the interests of both parties and ensures that they are on the same page regarding the investment. If you are considering investing in preference shares, make sure that you thoroughly understand the terms of the preference share shareholder agreement before making any investment decisions.

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